Sunday, March 3, 2013


Specific objectives are:
- Promotion the concept of twinning between Negotino and Popovo;
- Making relations for a permanent cooperation between both countries through creating of Volunteering Platform;
- Sharing points of view about volunteering as a one of the main tools that stimulate active citizenship;
- Building of capacities of representatives from local authorities and NGOs for developing volunteering practices in great projects;

Through this project the citizens, precisely people from Macedonia and Bulgaria,  had the opportunity to participate in events within the project activities in order to develop closer citizenship's relations, based on democracy, common values and mutual respect and understanding. 

According to the specific objectives, Municipalities of Negotino, Macedonia and Popovo, Bulgaria are already twinned and planned project activities contributed for continuing, reinforcing and improving of already established twinning relations. The project involves also other partner Municipalities - Gevgelija, Macedonia and Sofia, Bulgaria so this was an opportunity for starting new twinning relationships and activities.

Project Volunteering Platform was realized with an active participation of Local authorities, public institutions, NGOs and young people in the main active role. The project activities  contributed to promote European values and informal learning through planned seminar and Discussion Forum. Generally the project proposal  aimed to promote the volunteering as an active European citizenship.

Platform of Volunteering is made as a result of this project, which will be important for permanent cooperation amongst all involved parties. Through the activities was  achieved capacity building of organizations and Municipalities representatives for making quality and sustainable further projects. The elaborated data base (researching results) was  a base for undertaking activities and initiatives in accordance with the real needs. The reinforced twinning relationships were contributed for wider development of the Municipalities and their promotion. The established partnerships amongst all partners will enable future cooperation which can result with other twinning relationships establishment. After the project it will be created a network of interested citizens for volunteering and hosting volunteers, in order to stimulate the sharing of new project ideas and volunteering practices for future interventions among them. This way they can actively participate and collaborate to the proposal of new ideas.



Background on the organization:

The civil association, Centre for Regional Sustainable Development (CRSD) is the former NGO support centre Negotino which was opened in June 2003 as a part of the project Support for the civil society – strengthening of NGOs and activities for establishment of 8 NGOs support centers in Macedonia by the European Agency for reconstruction and The Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia.

In October 2009 CRSD was established and started to work with separate legal entity. Regarding to the organization missions CRSD works on stimulation and support to the regional development in the Tikvesh region in accordance of EU integration process of Republic of Macedonia, by implementing programs for promotion and development of civil sector in partnership with business sector and local self government units. Moreover CRSD believes that sustainable development and correct lifestyle are the basic tools to build a better future for us and future generations as well and uses non – formal education methods to work with youth on social, economic and environmental uses increasing the awareness about the importance for the subjects. The organization has experience in working on projects for local and regional development in great cooperation with the municipality of Negotino.

In addition, has the knowledge resources and experience necessary for sustainable development of the activities and objectives as well for improving of the regional development increasing of national and international cooperation in social sphere. The previous experience and expertise on working in European projects and training activities and other issues mention above will insure the expertise needed for various topics and fields of interest. Since its constitutions CRSD also organizes exchanges in education field, stimulating the creation of networks and partnerships, with a particular focus on youth participation.
As part of national network of youth clubs all over Macedonia CRSD work on promotion and stimulation of volunteering. It is also accredited as sending, hosting and coordinating organization within YiA – EVS program, with reference number 2010-SI-90 and is working on recruiting interested volunteers on international level. CRSD has relevant previous experience in organizing events, seminars, forum discussion, presentation, round tables, debates, workshops, etc. within Europe for Citizens program involving the local communities. Thanks to tools like life long learning, non formal education, intercultural dialog, exchanges and networking, our organization aims to develop active citizenship educational programs, especially in the fields of Youth, Equal opportunities, Social inclusion, Human Rights and Gender balance. CRSD managed local and regional - level projects, workshops and activities on non- formal education intervention methods, facilitating working group sessions and group dynamics. Within CRSD operates Youth Clubs aimed to motivated young people for building active Citizenship and sustainable partnerships. Our organization has five Clubs: Debate Club, Club for Human Rights, Multimedia Club, Club for writing and publications and Creative Club.

The organization also cooperates with Italian youth organizations (CISS, Palermo and Tempo Libero, Brescia). CRSD also have been cooperated with other international and domestic organizations such as: Human Rights institute Ludwig Boltzman, Austrian Development Agency, and SNV - Netherlands organization for development. At the moment we are implementing project named Volunteering Platform in partnership with two Bulgarian organizations, Alternativa - Popovo and Open Education Centre Sofia, financed by European Commission.
The organization disposes of sufficient technical equipment and an easily accessible office situated in Negotino, equipped with IT, communication and other office equipment. The organization also has established a pool of trainers on different topics, such as: Project Cycle Management, Strategic planning, Team working, Leadership, Communication skills and Conflict resolution, etc.

The main activities of Association “Alternative Popovo – 21 centuries” are:
Organizing and financing development and realization of projects, self-depended or together with other physical or juridical persons; Research and analyze material, intellectual and professional resources for drawing into economic turnover; Create motivation for enterprise and develop of own business and for drawing of large number of inhabitants into developing of strategies for sustainable development; Developing, organizing and managing of training's for raising qualification of unemployed and employed persons and mediation in finding work.

The mission of civil association “Regional Centre for Sustainable Development” is to strengthen the role of N GO sector in the society through capacity building of NGOs that will enable better cooperation with other NGOs, as well as with the local authorities and private sector. In its current work the Centre is implementing the following programs: logistic support; Program for networking and initiatives which is implemented through networking of NGOs; Stimulation of activities for active citizenship and volunteering.

Open Education Centre  are a leading in the field of Education for democratic citizenship and  general education developing new educational technologies, models of  educational changes management, programs for civic education, professional development of teachers, programs for training and development of school  boards and NGOs;The organization is supporting the development of Civil Society in Education through a Network of Community Educational Councils, through a system of Youth Educational Centres and City Councils for students’ self-government, promoting the volunteering as significant practice for active citizenship.

Organizations that are partners in the project

The aim of this programme is to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to
enable them to participate fully in the European construction. Through this programme, citizens have the opportunity to be involved in transnational exchanges and cooperation activities, contributing to developing a sense of belonging to common European ideals and encouraging the process of European integration.
 "With the support of the Europe for Citizens of the European Union"  
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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